Events Calendar
Nature Club Upcoming Events
For Details on Events, email [email protected] Non-members and guests are welcome, but have to sign a waiver, and will be asked to join after two guest visits.
• Dec 7: Saturday Birding
Meet at Victoria Quay at 9:00 AM for a morning of birding. Bring binoculars.
• Dec10: Monthly Meeting
A fun night. Bring your photos and treats to share. See the top of the page for the time and location of our meeting.
• Thursday December 19 Hike to to China Creek Falls
Mike Youds will lead us up China Creek to China Creek Falls and it’s aqua pools, about three km. round trip. There are a few steep sections with ropes to help us along. We will muster at 9:00 a.m. at the Ship Creek Trailhead of the Alberni Inlet Trail (Anderson Avenue & Ship Creek Road). We will drive 5 minutes to the trailhead together.
• December 28: Christmas Bird Count
Our Annual Christmas Bird Count has been running for over 25 years. There are two ways to count: either counting at your feeder or in the field with a group of other birders. Each group is given an area within which to count. All groups count within a 15 mile diameter circle. Contact Annette Bailey if you want to participate or know more. [email protected]