Events Calendar

Nature Club Upcoming Events

Our meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Christian Reformed Church at the bottom of Roger St at 7 PM.

For Details on Events, email [email protected] Non-members and guests are welcome, but have to sign a waiver, and will be asked to join after two guest visits.


  • Sat July 6th Long walk/Hike to Snag Lake

This expedition is a 7.5 km long walk along an old logging road at the bottom of the upper Kennedy River Valley. At the end of the road a rough trail climbs up to a rock bluff which provides a great view of an old slide that blocked the River and created Snag Lake, named after all the dead trees that died after the slide happened. This is an all-day trip to see an amazing place. But you will be tired when you get home! We’ll get an early start from Victoria Quay, 8:30 AM sharp. Bring lunch and water.

  • Sat August 10th Stage 2 of the Alberni Inlet Trail

Of the tree stages of the Alberni Inlet Trail, this one is the most level. Much of it follows the grade of an old railway that was never finished. But there some steep bits too. There are lots of views of the Inlet and a couple of cobble beaches. It is 9 km long and around 3.5 hours of hiking. We will arrange to have transportation back to the start to avoid a two way hike. Bring a lunch and water.

• Monday, 12 August, Investigating Owatchet (Dry) Creek

This weekday foray will meet at 9:00 AM at the Industrial Heritage Building at Gyro Park. From there, we will hike down to Dry Creek and through the culvert under 10th Avenue. Then we will continue up the creek along the creek bed. Some wading will be necessary. So wear appropriate footwear and a pole. The rocks will be slippery. We will be back at the Industrial Heritage Centre by noon.

• Thursday, 15 August, Exploring Roger Creek.

We will meet at 1 PM at the footbridge in Roger Creek Park and work our way upstream looking for salmon fry, caddisflies, frogs, water striders and a variety of riparian plants. Some wading will be necessary to cross the creek. Wear water sandals or shoes and bring a pole. We should be back by 4 PM.

• Saturday, 17 August, Birding

The early bird catches the worm. Meet at 8:00 AM at Victoria Quay for a walk in to Mulcaster Swamp, and back by noon.

• Tuesday, 27 August, Going Batty

This is a bit of an experiment to see if we can find bats in the valley. We’ll meet at the Log Train Trail at the Burde Street entrance at 8: 00PM with sunset being 10 minutes later. We will walk to the lower and upper ponds as time permits. We may hear them as well as see them as a device for lowering the frequencies of their calls will be available.

• Saturday 31 August, Birding

The southward shorebird migration will be in full swing. We will meet at 8:00 AM at the pipeline that crossed the Somass Estuary, 49.256807, -124.838085.

• Saturday,Tuesday, 10 September Meeting
Meet at 7:00 PM in the basement of the Christian Reformed Church on Roger Street

• Saturday, 14 September, Birding

Meet at 8:00 AM at Victoria Quay for a walk to Turtle Lake and back by noon.

• Saturday, 21 September, Exploring the trail along Thames Creek, near Bowser

This is an easy hike that should take a couple of hours to do, plus some driving time. We’ll meet at Victoria Quay to arrange car-pooling at 9:00 AM and be back around 1:30 PM. So bring a snack or a light lunch and water.